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16 February 2022


Footballers and cricketers at Blackwood Drive Recreation Reserve in Melton South can now enjoy more time on the oval thanks to the installation of competition standard lighting.

Member for Melton Steve McGhie today formally switched on the lighting on Oval 1 at the reserve, made possible thanks to a $156,000 grant from the Victorian Government’s 2020-21 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund – Female Friendly Facilities stream.

The Melton Junior Football Netball Club and the Melton Centrals Cricket Club both call the reserve home, and the ground is also used for Auskick.

In total, more than 700 players use the reserve, and with a growing number of girls signing up to play footy and cricket, it was getting hard to schedule training and matches.

The new lighting on the oval can be ramped up to 100 Lux for night competition or switched back to 50 Lux for training.

This significantly increases the time the oval can be utilised during the year, allowing the clubs greater flexibility and capacity to accommodate the needs of their growing membership and local competitions.

The Victorian Government’s investment in this project is part of more than $1.1 billion we’ve kicked into community sport and recreation infrastructure since 2014.

Investments like these are all about creating jobs, stimulating local economies, and fast-tracking community recovery by improving the health, wellbeing, social and economic outcomes for Victorian communities.

It’s part of the Victorian Government’s strong commitment to sport and active recreation, gender equality and encouraging all Victorians to get out there and get active. 

Mr McGhie acknowledged the City of Melton for its financial contribution and delivery of the project.

Quotes attributable to Member for Melton Steve McGhie

“These lights give the Bloods and Centrals greater capacity to welcome new members, and hone the skills of their players so they can win more premierships.

“Sport and active recreation play a vital role in strengthening and bringing together growing communities like Melton South, and boosting people’s physical and mental wellbeing.”