19 December 2024

The Allan Labor Government is investing in lifting educational outcomes for First Nations students.


Member for Melton Steve McGhie today announced applications are open for Education Liaison Officer grants for Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) and the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) sector.


This funding will ensure Aboriginal self-determination shapes Victoria’s education system, by supporting the employment of 27 Education Liaison Officers: one for each of Victoria’s 12 Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs), and one each for 15 ACCOs.


Across the state, 27 Education Liaison Officers will work with the Department of Education’s regional offices and schools to support learning and wellbeing outcomes for First Nations students.


The funding will also support RAPs and ACCOs in delivering services and programs, informed by the Strengthening Aboriginal Self-determination in Education report, released in May.


These self-determined services and programs will focus on areas such as strengthening student and family engagement in education, transition support, and embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures in the curriculum.


The Department of Education will invite RAPs to apply for funding, and ACCOs will take part in an Expression of Interest process.


The grants deliver on Labor’s $51 million investment in First Nations education in the 2024/25 State Budget.


The funding includes $31 million to increase the capacity of ACCOs to support education outcomes and inclusion. This follows $86.3 million invested by Labor in First Nations education through the Marrung: Aboriginal Education Plan, including funding for programs that support excellence, equity and wellbeing for Aboriginal students.


Quotes attributable to the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll


“We’re delivering the highest-ever single investment in Aboriginal education in our state’s history.”


“By investing in Education Liaison Officers, we’re supporting those who know what works best for communities – Aboriginal people themselves – to improve learning and wellbeing for First Nations students.”


Quotes attributable to Member for Melton Steve McGhie


“As someone who is incredibly proud to be part of a government that is putting Aboriginal self-determination at the heart of the education system in Victoria, I encourage Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations in my region Melton to apply for an Education Liaison Officer grant.”