01 July 2022


The Andrews Labor Government is reducing costs for Melton motorists with a new package that rewards safe driver behaviour and makes learners and probationary licenses free.

Member for Melton Steve McGhie said local drivers would benefit from the reintroduction of the safe driver discount, free learners and probationary licenses, as well as free online testing.

Under these changes, aspiring drivers and riders will save up to $51.40 in learner licensing and online testing fees. While probationary drivers will save up to $133.30 in probationary license and online hazard perception testing fees.

The learner permit and hazard perception tests were made available online last year, to provide greater flexibility for aspiring drivers looking to achieve their licence goals anywhere, anytime – since its introduction more than 90 per cent of customers now choose the online option. In-person testing, and appointment fees will remain.

Safe drivers who have not incurred demerit points or committed road safety offences in the three years prior to their licence expiring, will be rewarded with the reintroduction of a 25 per cent discount on their licence renewal.

Car, motorcycle and heavy vehicle licence holders, regardless of age, who have not incurred demerit points or committed road safety offences in the three years prior to their licence expiring, will save more than $21 on a three-year licence and $73 on a 10-year licence.

The Safe Driver Discount scheme was cut by the previous Liberal-National Coalition government in 2013.

For more information about licence and registration services in Victoria or to access the online tests, head to vicroads.vic.gov.au

Quotes attributable to Member for Melton Steve McGhie:

“We’re rewarding Melton motorists for their safe driving habits and reducing costs for new drivers as we continue our commitment to driving down road trauma.”

“Free Ls and Ps will put money back in the pockets of young people and families in Melton and help them get connected to study and work.”