About Steve McGhie
I’m Steve McGhie and I’m proud to be Labor’s member of the Victorian Parliament for Melton.
I was the former secretary of the Ambulance Employee Association, I worked closely with the Labor team to bring an end to the ambulance crisis.
After being elected in 2018, I am proud now to have the opportunity to work hard and deliver for the people of the Melton electorate.
Already we have seen the delivery of a massive investment to help begin building a new hospital in Melton along with investments in schools, transport and infrastructure.
I was honoured to be appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Health in December 2020 until July 2022 and as Cabinet Secretary from July 2022.
I will continue to work hard to deliver for the electorate of Melton.
Please don’t hesitate to send me a message or e-mail at [email protected] if you have a great idea for our local community or just want to chat.